Saturday, February 8, 2014

TS-830S Gold Label and the Factory-installed Filters

If you browse the Internet for TS-830S Gold Label you will find that opinions about what it really is diverge greatly.

Some say the Gold Label was an anniversary promo, others that the Gold Label TS-830S came installed with all the optional filters and yet, others say it is "nothing special", just that Kenwood decided to change the label on the latest models produced.

Here is one thread to get you started on the subject:!topic/

By chance (or destiny) I have a new TS-830S and we can use it to add more data to this already controversial matter :)

First, I got a picture of a TS-830S with all the filters installed:

(thanks go to

Let's compare this picture with the one I took of my TS-830S: 

We can see clearly in this picture that there are filters missing.

From this evidence I see three possibilities:

1. Kenwood TS-830S Gold Label didn't come with extra filters installed, at all.
2. Kenwood TS-830S Gold Label came with filters installed but the filters have been removed.
3. Some units came with filters installed and some didn't.

I'm tempted to rule number 2 out, as I really believe the IF board has never been touched. There are no marks whatsoever that suggest it has been. There are no scratches or de-soldering marks on the board.

As for number 3, it is possible, but that would require separation of serial numbers at time of production. 

If you go to Ken's website (more precisely to the url you will find the following regarding the Gold Label:

What is the difference between a TS-830S and a TS-830S "Gold Edition" or "Gold Label?"
At some point Kenwood introduced the "Gold" version of the 830S.  It came from the factory with all four filters installed, 2 for CW and 2 for SSB.   The 830S had a VBT control, which required overlapping of the 2 sets of filters, by varying the heterodyne frequencies, to achieve a variable bandpass. The standard 830S had only the 2 SSB filters factory installed, with the CW filters optional.  The VBT with the standard filters varied the bandpass from about 800Hz to 2.4KHz.  Adding either CW filter will allow a 500Hz CW bandwidth, but the inclusion of BOTH filters allowed the VBT to adjust from 0 to 500Hz BW - A very nice improvement.  The "Gold" series came with all 4 filters installed.  Be advised that many Gold 830S's today have had their CW filters removed and sold separately..
UPDATE:  I continue to occasionally hear from people that dispute the Gold/Full-Filter statement.  After looking at over 100 TS-830S's I still have yet to find a Gold that didn't either have the filters installed, or show positive signs of filter removal.  This issue will probably remain in limbo, however, until someone finds a brochure or sales flyer touting this "Full Boat" transceiver.  People have seen them, bought 830's as a consequence, but no one has any real proof.
BREAKING NEWS:  Joe Kenwood called me yesterday from Tokyo Japan, and confirmed that "Golds" were delivered with all 4 filters factory installed.  This should put to rest any controversy, and prove my point once and for all!   Thanks, Joe!  8^D

The last bit, BREAKING NEWS, seem to be the most accepted solution to the controversy. I confess that when I first read that about a year ago I was really convinced that "that was it." But when I got my TS-830S and it didn't come with the optional filters installed I started to wonder: who is Joe Kenwood?
I've always thought Kenwood was a family name until I came across this article on wikipedia:

The article, in its History section, tells a brief story of how Willian "Bill" Kasuga thought about the name of the newly formed company:

Kasuga decided to create an American-sounding name for the import company. He described the origin of Kenwood as being the combination of "Ken", a name common to Japan and America that had been tested and proven acceptable to American consumers in the name of Kenmore Appliances, and "Wood", referring to the durable substance as well as suggesting a relation to Hollywood.

I tried to find more information about Joe Kenwood on the web but I haven't found anything conclusive. 

Now I'm not sure anymore. It is like an old fossil that has been discovered and brings an old controversy to the light again. How can we resolve this issue?


  1. I have a very nice original "Gold" (3 mil serial) in the same situation as yours with no filters. It shows no sign of ever having the filters installed. 73 Rich, W2SKI

  2. Marco - I am the second owner of a TS830s Gold Label. The filter situation with mine is exactly as yours. The radio had never been out of the original owners site nor mine except for when he sent it to K4EAA to be recapped and have some plastic piece replaced on the tuning shelf.

    Looking at the board, you can tell that there is just no way there were additional filters which had been removed. I do like the radio quite a bit. Good luck with yours.

    Jim - W2PAU

    1. Hello Doc, Thanks for your comment. Yes, I just love this radio and will keep using it for I long time. I have to recap it as well, but my father PY2HH did it for me.



  3. I'm not sure if anyone will read this. But here goes. I have purchased a TS830S, it says Trio on the front and rear. And has a Jones type multi blade type mains plug on the rear, that is marked AC220/240v 50/60Hz and also DC13.8v. Try as I might, I cannot find a schematic diagram with this type of power connection. I know it is a long shot, but can anyone help me out with a schematic? You can email, or g8lxi@haotmail. Thanks Leonard.
